Host Family Self-Catering

Live with a friendly host family in Cork, where you’ll experience life in a local household and practice your English in real-life situations. Experience the independence of preparing your own meals while staying with a friendly host.

Self-Catering: This is a room only option so meals are not provided. You will have access to the host family kitchen to prepare and cook food you buy yourself.

Location: All host families are on the Cork City Bus Red Zone (bus numbers 201 to 220), with an average journey time of 30 minutes to Cork English Academy.

Transfers: Transfers to and from Cork Airport or Cork City on arrival and departure are included.

Booking: Stays are booked from Saturday to Saturday or Sunday to Sunday. Arrivals must be between 08:00 and 00:00 midnight. If arriving mid-week or late, book a hostel in Cork, and the host family can pick you up from there on the weekend.

Included in Your Stay: Wi-Fi and access to laundry facilities. Check-out is generally at 11 am unless a later time is arranged with the host family.

Minimum Stay: 2 week booking minimum. However, booking at least 4 weeks accommodation prior to arrival is strongly advised.

Suitability: Host family accommodation is not suitable for students needing to work remotely. These students should consider a shared apartment stay instead. Students are not permitted to smoke in the home.

Single Room: A private room for one guest – €190 per week

Twin Room: A twin room host family can accommodate two students traveling together only where the pair book the entire room. There is no option for solo travellers to book juts one bed in the room. Solo travellers opting for a host fmaily will need to book a single room – €165 per person per week

Double Room: This room is exclusively for couples traveling together – €165 per person per week

Accommodation Placement Fee : €60 applies to all host family bookings.

Keep in mind students may need to buy a bus pass. With a TFI Leap Card is you can travel on Cork City Bus Éireann services and selected others like the Cobh Connect, for as little as:

  • €1.35 a journey with a TFI Adult Leap Card
  • €0.65 a journey with a TFI Young Adult (25 years or younger) or Student Leap Card (must be studying for at least 6 months).

Host Family with Meals

Enjoy a classic homestay experience with daily meals provided by your host family.

Host Family Self-Catering

Experience the independence of preparing your own meals while staying with a friendly host.

Shared Apartment

Viva Ireland offers private and shared rooms to rent for students and professionals who are looking for a place to stay in Cork.

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