Rent a Room in Cork City

With enough booking notice the school can organise accommodation in Cork for you. Providing the school with as much notice as possible will help us secure a room for your preferred dates.

If school-organized accommodation is not available for your preferred dates, you can contact the following external accommodation providers directly:

Find Your Own Accommodation in Cork

Search for affordable options for short-term stays on websites such as:


ScholarLee Mardyke

Copley Court/Hatch

Hosting Power

School Notice Board

Check the School Room to Rent Board on Instagram or the School Notice Board in the student common area on the ground floor. Local accommodation providers regularly post and update their ads here.

Summer Accommodation (May to August)

For summer stays, consider:

Nido Living

Sheraton Lodge

ScholarLee Summer Stays

UCC Summer Beds

AbbeyWharf, Cork City

Student Village Cork 

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