Kelly’s Story

Can you tell us a little bit about your course and teachers?

It’s beyond my expectations, actually. I’m having classes with Heather and she is absolutely amazing. She is dynamic and has patience to teach us and we can see that she gives us her best. I really love her! About the course: if you are really interested in learning, you will. You must pay attention at classes, do the exercises, then you’ll have a good experience.

What aspect of English language learning are you improving in the most?

My speaking for sure. But also my grammar. And every day we learn some new words. So I guess it is a mix of all. There’s no way to improve just one thing. It’s all set. 

What aspect of English language learning are you finding the most challenging?

Grammar, but I know that I’ll get there! 

Have you worked in Cork City? If so, can you tell us a little about your job?

Yes, I am working. I work as a SPA Therapist at The Imperial Hotel. I absolutely love it. As it is the same profession that I have in my Country, I’m really happy. 

Do you get to practice your English outside of school hours?

Yes, everyday at my work, also I live in a house with my housemates who are from another countries, we all have to talk in English.  

Why did you choose Cork City to move to?

‘Cause here we (my husband and I) imagined the city would be quiet, which it really is, and we love it. The safety too. 

What is your favourite thing about Cork? 

Quietness is our top one. But also the safety, people are so friendly, and the quality of life.  

Would you suggest Ireland as a study abroad destination to others and if so, why?

Yes because it is an AMAZING opportunity, it’s a beautiful place to live, rich in culture, with friendly people.   

Thank you Kelly. We wish you all the best with your study and work and life in Cork 🙂

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