English Language Level Test

Step 1: Complete the Online Test (52 Questions)

  • The first 40 are multiple choice grammar questions
  • The next 10 are multiple choice vocabulary questions
  • The last 2 questions are short writing questions

Step 2: Choose a Speaking Test Date

  • On completing the Online Test you will be prompted to select a date and time for a short 5 minute Speaking Test.


  • Choose a speaking test date as close as possible to completing the Online Test ( 52 Questions). This is important.
  • Please ensure you complete the test carefully, by yourself and without help.
  • Use only the English language you know honestly and naturally, so we can assess your level correctly.
  • Please ensure your microphone / sound is turned on and working.
  • Turn off your camera if you prefer. You do not need to use your video / camera. Your tester will not have the video / camera turned on.


  • Do not use a translator , ChatGPT or any other AI system.
  • Do not read from a script or rely on searching for, translating or typing answers. 
  • Do not reschedule your speaking test unless absolutely necessary. Please only reschedule in case of an emergency.

Your result will be marked as invalid if you do any of the above and we will not be able to offer you a course.